Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why did shuttlecock rotates after been hited?

can anyone explain, using physics concept.thanks|||It's the same reason an arrow flies point-first and an airplane flies nose-first. If the flight attitude is initially sideways, there is air pressure from the side. The center of pressure is further back than the center of mass, which is near the front. The result is that the sidewind pressure produces a torque on the shuttlecock in the direction to turn the nose forward into the wind, and any deviation from this attitude is corrected by the same effect. This is sometimes referred to as "weathervane" stability, and is essential for most human- or passively-controlled flying objects such as rockets.|||TU

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|||The end with the ball is heavier. It rotates toward ground.

If the force of the hit is great enough, the linear momentum

will convert to enough angular momentum to keep it spinning

a few times.

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