Thursday, November 24, 2011

Should I wear my glasses when I play sports?

Ok, so I need glasses but I don't wear them for sport. When I play badminton, and try to focus on the shuttlecock, I get a really bad headache and my eyes feel weird. This has been happening for sometime now. Should I start wearing my glasses for sport?|||This really depends on how good your vision is without them and what sport you are playing. If you are playing golf, then eyeglasses would be ok because there is real physical contact and you are not jumping or running. In Badminton there is a chance of physical contact and you are running and jumping so there is possibly that your eyeglasses could come off and be damaged. I suggest getting contact lenses in your case.|||It's best to not wear glasses when doing sports especially if it's very active or physical. When doing active sports you'll sweat a lot, so your glasses will get misty. For physical sports, you have less peripheral vision to watch out for tackles from other players. Contacts is a better option. Of course, you can improve your eyesight using eye exercises, so you won't have to worry about wearing contacts nor glasses in sports. Plenty of websites have information on this.|||Maybe your prescription is high or it has changed so I'd advice you to wear them and have a checkup at the eye doctor's. If you want to be more comfortable, get daily contact lenses, and wear them every time you go for sports.

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