Friday, December 2, 2011

What would happen if two shuttlecocks got into a cockfight?

Just curious.....|||Thay would make alot of racket! LOL|||the bigger c*o*c*k would win|||that's hot

i love badminton!|||they would bounce off each other?'s just plastic and rubber.|||Two Shuttlecocks Enter, One Shuttlecock Leave.|||that would become a cockamaimy situation|||I think they would get knocked the C OCK OUT!!!|||Death in massive proportions.|||unite and become one super huge shuttleCOCK|||I have no idea... i was just lured into this question when i saw the word "c.o.c.k."........ %26lt;%26lt;turns around and leaves dissappointedly%26gt;%26gt;|||One of them would lose it's ball of course!|||I would have to call the badminton police. Don't you know that shuttlecock fighting is illegal in the US (it's OK in Canada, though).|||they would hook up! hehe|||1) if it's the shuttlecocks for badminton .... they can't fight

2) if it's 2 cocks in a shuttle, it depends where the shuttle is

a)shuttle still on earth %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; the stronger/luckier cock wins

b)shuttle in space %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; the one who can maneuver in the low gravity environment wins.|||sorry dont know I was stuck at the last part of shuttle|||Ummmmmmmmm they'd run after you cuz you're cute! lol|||The cops would bust it up for sure! C0ck fighting is soooo illegal. Whoever innitiated the shuttlecock fight would go to prison longer than Charles Manson, cuz thats how it works! 10 pounds of cocaine equal a slap on the wrist and one pinner joint equals jail time, community sevice, fines.....yadda. The legal system ROCKS OUT WITH it's C0CK OUT!

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